干燥劑用英語怎么說?跟客人說desiccant但他不明白,讓我解釋是什么東西,鞋類的,我是想問客戶要不要放干燥劑?答,desiccant是正解,或者您可以說A thing that can keep the goods in dry condition.
用silica gel來翻譯也可以,以前我們客人也是用這個.說道干燥劑想起件事。那時我的boss的boss是個英國人。當時說到一個產品要放干燥劑的事,是客戶臨時決定的。要買進來得兩天的時間,生產上因此就只能停一下。我臨時查到了dessicant這個詞,但是顯然這個英國人也不知道這個詞。他說不出來,他用了別的說法來代替,說到這個干燥劑他就說that small bag。
1.一種溶解性的鹽,用于除冰和作干燥劑。A deliquescent salt; used in de-icing and as a drying agent.
2.測試了新型復合干燥劑和硅膠的平衡吸附性能。A new composite desiccant used in the manufacture of dehumidifier was tested.
3.性能Properties:適用于10-100ml顆粒狀物料的包裝,用于菜包和鹽包、干燥劑、茶葉等。Applicable to10-100 ml of granular materials, packing bag for food package and salt, desiccant, tea, etc.
4.現在的多功能塑料制品的生產在一個單一的進程,并以綜合干燥劑。Now the multifunction plastic products are produced in one single process and with an integrated desiccant.
5.誰會去調查洗衣機和干燥劑機呢?Who would be looking in the washer and dryer?
6.這種新系統的干燥劑可一再使用,只需經由過程加熱使其領受的水蒸發失蹤即可。 The desiccant can be reused simply by heating it up to boil off the water it's absorbed.
7.主要產品有硅膠干燥劑、生石灰干燥劑、等。The main products are silica gel desiccant, lime desiccant, et al.
8.十九世紀里,在使用干燥劑加速油墨干燥方面取得了進展。During the nineteenth century, advances were made in the use of driers to speed the drying of ink.
9.該UMR系列迷你再生干燥劑干燥提供了許多應用的總清洗液更多 The UMR Series Mini Regenerative Desiccant Dryer offers a total cleaning solution for many applications more
10.目前國內絕大部分硅膠產品是價格低廉的干燥劑硅膠。Most silica gel products are cheap price drier silica gel at present in the homeland.
11.可從干燥劑重量的增加來確定絕對溫度。From the increase in the weight of the desiccant the absolute humidity can be determined.
12.在抽屜和壁櫥里的周圍擺上雪松,干燥劑讓你遠離蛀蟲(和孔洞)的煩惱。Line drawers and closets with cedar sachets to keep moths ( and holes) at bay.
13.我公司是專業生產各類干燥劑防潮的生產貿易型公司。Our company is specializing in the production of various types of desiccant moisture production trade type company.
Cobalt and its compounds are used in electroplating and colouring ceramics and glass and as lamp filaments, catalysts, a trace element in fertilizers, and paint and varnish driers.
15.利用干燥劑埋沒干燥法及不同化學溶液前處理的方法,研究了玫瑰干花制作過程中的護形問題。 By using drier-packing ways and different pre-handling methods of soaking the flowers in chemic solution, the problems of keeping shape have researched.
16.除氧劑、干燥劑、保鮮劑制售;糧油食品銷售。Chuyang agents, desiccant, preservation of manufacturing and selling agent; With food sales.
17.奶粉,面粉,豆奶粉,干燥劑,醫藥粉等。Powder, like milk powder, flour, soybean powder Medicine powder, etc.
18.作為包裝用硅膠干燥劑,廣泛用于精密儀器、皮革、鞋、服裝、食品、藥品和家用電器等。As silica gel desiccant for packaging, they are widely used in precision instruments, leather, shoes, clothing, food, medicines and household appliances.
19.包裝用活性干燥劑的美國軍方標準。The packaging uses the American military standard of the active drier.
20.加能特干燥劑有限公司以合理的價格,過硬的質量,歡迎新老客戶的光臨!Limited to special desiccant plus a reasonable price, excellent quality, welcome the new and old customers coming!